Wednesday, 25 July 2012


I seem to remember writing a small blog about haggling not so long ago. I suggested that, for example, if you went into Sainsbury’s and offered them a lower price, for cash, on a pack of sausages with the added incentive that you had a car and could take said pack of sausages away immediately, then the supermarket would not be very impressed and might, indeed, call security. Well, a certain customer should read that blog!

Of course, if you really don’t think the piece of furniture you so kindly made me such a generous offer on is worth that price, then head off to our competitors. It is a free market out there – we have been doing this over 8 years and I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have survived so long by making up arbitrary prices to fund our collection of Ferraris.

How many supermarkets are out there?
How many charity shops are out there?
How many clothes shops are out there?
How many shops like ours are out there?
You see? There might not actually be that much profit in it, after all!

p.s. Kathryn added the lovely picture of another pretty new bench we’ve taken in to the shop to soften this entry, a little!

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