Monday, 2 July 2012


The Artists’ Marquee is now up at Burwash Manor, ready for the exhibition (sponsored by Nest!) that starts this weekend. As carpenter in charge of getting all the display boards up and into an interesting layout I knew it was going to be one, tiring job. I was right!

However, as I am also exhibiting on every weekend, it did give me the opportunity to add some little extras. Most important of these was a room to store all the cakes in that were promised at various meetings (I think that’s what Kathryn was talking about). In fact, my layout designs were centred around the cake room. I will be very disappointed if no cakes turn up (are you listening Heather? By the way, coffee and walnut is my favourite!).

Err, anyway, as well as cakes there will be some great new artists joining us this year to keep the event fresh and interesting and we’re holding a preview evening this Friday (6th July, 5-8pm) which will actually be the only opportunity to see all 15 of the artists all together. And to enter our posh raffle in aid of the Rosie. And to drink Pimms whilst listening to a very mellow jazz band....And eat cake.

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