Monday, 10 August 2015

Sticks like sh*t!

We use a lot of glue at the workshop (for obvious reasons) and consequently get sent much 'industry literature,' as you might kindly call it.
I was astonished the other day to see Evo stick had brought out a new product and called it (I kid you not) “Sticks Like Sh*t!”
They actually put this in big letters on their product!
 Would I take this product on site to a client’s house?
 "I say my man, what glue are you using?"
 "Sticks like sh*t love"
  "Oh, you beast" 
Etc., etc.

 Still, we do get asked in the shop what products we use - might have to get a tube in to wop on the counter

Thursday, 6 August 2015


After watching the GBBO, the telly box thing somehow got stuck on channel 4+1. Oh, dear God, it was some sort of Kirsty Allplop's 'fill your house for free' best of (I know…)
I would, of course, like to make a few points.
Why do media DIYers never wear work appropriate clothing? The guy Max would be either dead or disfigured in a matter of minutes if he attempted to use any of our workshop gear dressed in a tie and loose blazer. And as for Kirsty Allplop wearing a Cath Kidston style pinnie while 'sawing' a chair up and their female designer dressed up for the nightclub, but in fact sanding and sealing.
Moving on…thanks Allplop for that handy tip that not only does your cordless drill make holes, but can also save you a lot of time by driving the screws in! Yes, thanks - I wondered why they're called drill/drivers. Perhaps a better tip would have been to advice the cannon fodder you made strip paint off a door to wear a mask - that might have been lead based paint.
Anyway the old set top unjammed and we all moved on…quickly.

Here is a picture of work appropriate gear (not 6" gold platforms)…

Sunday, 2 August 2015


Small boy marched into shop- “I want the duck in the window please”. Told him it was £74.95…. “My mum would like to buy the duck in the window please”…